The 5W's of Customized Learning with ChatGPT

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The 5W's of Customized Learning with ChatGPT

Previously, we tried the method of creating a study plan using ChatGPT for learning to code. However, the plan was not personalized and tailored as per the learner. So here we will dive deep into a new method of using ChatGPT to provide a more customized plan for your learning journey.

Let me Introduce you guys to a framework that we can use to get a better study plan from ChatGPT. This framework asks five key questions: who, what, when, where, and why. By answering these questions, we can provide ChatGPT with the context it needs to provide a tailored response that meets our specific needs.
Let's break down the framework further.

The first question, "Who," refers to the role we want ChatGPT to play in providing us with a study plan. Do you want ChatGPT to act as a teacher, mentor, or study buddy? Understanding the role we want ChatGPT to play can help us communicate more effectively and receive a more personalized response.

The second question, "What," asks what we want to learn. This could be a specific subject or skill you're interested in, or it could be a broader area of study. Clarifying what we want to learn can help ChatGPT provide us with the resources and guidance we need to achieve our learning goals.

The third question, "When," refers to our timeline. When do we want to learn these things, and what's our deadline? Understanding the timeline can help ChatGPT provide us with a study plan that's realistic and achievable.

The fourth question, "Where," asks where you want to learn. Do you have a preference for online courses, free videos, documentation, bootcamps, or other learning resources? Knowing where you prefer to learn can help ChatGPT provide you with the most relevant and effective resources for your learning style.

Finally, the fifth question, "Why," asks about our goals. What do we hope to achieve by learning these things? Are you looking to enhance your career prospects, build new skills, or simply satisfy your curiosity? Understanding our goals can help ChatGPT provide you with a study plan that's tailored to our unique needs and aspirations.
So by giving ChatGPT more context we can get it to give a more tailored response.

Let's understand this better with an example:

Now, we are going to explore a prompt and uncover how ChatGPT can assist us as our coding tutor in our learning journey.

This is the prompt I give to ChatGPT to act as a coding tutor for me that can create a study plan for me.
Let me explain this prompt in detail:
So as I have explained before about the 5Ws, the first one i.e. the "Who" over here is who I want ChatGPT to act as here as a coding tutor. "What" is what I want to learn, e.g front-end development. For the "When" we have how many hours we can commit to learning that particular skill, "Where" is as we said we wanted video resources and the relevant ones due to limited time and "Why" is our goal that can be to take a job, to become a developer, or a freelancer.

Below is the response we got (As the response was too long I have shared just a part of it to explain it)

This is so much better than the response we got before (Check the previous blog)
We have a weekly distributed timeline with a daily plan on what topics to focus on and also the video links provided as the resources.

So this is good. Yeah, and it does the same thing for the other few weeks as well. In terms of timeline wise, honestly, I feel like some parts are a little bit aggressive, like advanced javascript and learning about package managers, you are not gonna learn these topics in just a week. Maybe like a month. So, yeah, I do think it's a little bit aggressive, but generally, I'm pretty impressed. This is a pretty decent study plan. But we do have a problem here.

As a beginner in a technical field, it can be challenging to create a study plan that is both effective and efficient. However, with the help of ChatGPT, you can receive a study plan in a short amount of time that surpasses what you could come up with on your own after a long time. The ability to receive such a study plan is certainly impressive, even if it's not perfect. That said, it's important to note that the study plan is not yet complete. This is where domain knowledge and understanding of technical fields become invaluable. Without experience in the field, it's difficult to know what should be included in a study plan to ensure you're learning the right things. Nonetheless, the ChatGPT study plan is an excellent starting point for those looking to get into technical fields.

To summarize, ChatGPT is a valuable resource for novice learners seeking assistance in technical fields. While ChatGPT can provide study plans, it's important to recognize that domain knowledge and experience are fundamental components of a comprehensive learning experience. In the forthcoming blog, we'll delve into the topic of learning by creating projects and hands-on learning, and examine how ChatGPT can support in helping you in getting these project ideas.

Keep an eye out for more information!